doodlin... and some early morning written images

Written early in the morning:
We die together
in this bush.
Under the berry bush.
A cloud dissolving into the sky,
an island elipsed by water,
a teaspoon of sugar dissolved in juice.
I planted a garden in this row,
in the black earth that rings our yard.
I grew carrots and potatoes,
You thought about lovely, brooding things.
I had babies,
they grew like our garden,
and the sun shone down on them.
Insects bit at them,
Most survived (but not all.)
We went on vacation together,
You and I.
We walked the beaches.
The Beatles:
Paul McCarthy still sings.
Something something still writes.
John Lennon is dead.
Something something else still writes.
"But isn't he dead?"
"Yes, but someone with the name 'something something' still writes."
Your form changed.
So did mine.
The water table levels rose in the soil,
we ate my vegetables
and shellfish (from our trip.)
Now we die
One then another
Under the berry bush
The water level rising above us to cover
our heads,
the branches,
the continent.
I'm surveying it now,
and I love the way the sugar dissolves.
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