Double Chin

Monday, September 25, 2006

carrying on

Hey, Mitch is the most lame-o roommate ever. Geez. And just because he's good at drawing and animating, doesn't mean he has the right to wash my dishes for me without permission. I hate him. Go start heckling him, peoples.

This is the cover of my new sketchbook. It was very ugly so I had to paint it and paste paste a picture and lace to make it pretty. Now it is pretty and I'm happy. The picture is Samantha Morton (the love of my life) in the awesome movie Morvern Callar.
These are some sketches of late. I'm still not headoverheels back into drawing (since my last breakup with the artform a few weeks ago) but I've been dabbling again.

And photography, which is of course a far newer affair, relative to drawing...
I still havn't gotten the internet hooked up in my room, so the terrible inconvenience of borrowing Mitch's laptop to go online is my super impressive excuse for the still infrequent updates. For shame. But soon, we will buy a router, and all will be well again.


  • Saralinananananana. I'm glad to see new stuff on your blog, yay! I love that little village you drew, pink trees and purple streets, I say yes to that!

    That photo of a bruise is pretty cool! I saw a similar photo in the Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art, only it was about 12 feet by 6 feet and looked like an English Impressionist painting at first sight. But more importantly, how did you get that bruise? Did Mitch hit you!? Or did he violently shove you out of the kitchen in order to get to your dirty dishes? I weep for your miserable living conditions, Sarah.

    By Blogger Guillaume, at 12:58 AM  

  • I agree with Guillaume the little mint chocolate chip village with the cotton candy trees is very charming. I have always liked your sketchbooks, so I am glad to see more of that. Is the girl on the second page up in the corner, is that Mel (of Abbey and Trisha friendship fame)? There is something about the smile and her shoulders. In any case, I like the drawing. I also like the game of hurdles being played next door to that sketch.

    I like your photography. I can see the textiles enthusiast in all the screens (or is it cloth), wet and dry walls, shadow shapes, bruises, steamed windows ... everything is very textural, layered and attentive to materials. I look forward to seeing more.

    By Blogger Eric, at 3:45 PM  

  • I thought we agreed you'd keep the bruises covered. We keep having this discussion.


    For real though. The photos are really nice. I think i commented on most of the sketchbook stuff the other day.

    By Blogger sam, at 10:05 PM  

  • Hey Guillaume, I didn't hit Sarah, but I guess I should have! She treats me like dirt! Heck, she even punched me once, in the face, and THAT is a true story! She FORCES me to do her dishes with my clean clothes as rags.

    Cool sketchbook Sarah, but even cooler photographs!

    By Blogger Mitchel Kennedy, at 6:34 PM  

  • hey sarah

    how are ya? the sketches and photos look great.

    hope all is well

    By Blogger orange, at 11:57 AM  

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