cartoons, photos, and a text collage

I have a confession: I've had next to no interest in drawing, lately. Beyond drawing out some observations and doodling here and there (and a some lifedrawing sketches, caricatures, and and studies of compositions and poses in magazine photography), my sketchbook has, of late, become filled with words, collages, magazine clippings, typography (the influence of Eliot) and ideas for fabric patterns. My cartoon drawing abilities are definitely suffering for lack of practice. But Eliot made a good point about that; I'd mentioned how frustrated I was with the fact that I didn't seem to feel like drawing cartoons, and he replied "Why do you have to draw cartoons?" I'd never even thought about that, before. I guess, I... I don't HAVE to, do I?
Nonetheless, I think this is probably just another cycle of interests, and drawings/cartoons will have it's day again.