carrying on
Hey, Mitch is the most lame-o roommate ever. Geez. And just because he's good at drawing and animating, doesn't mean he has the right to wash my dishes for me without permission. I hate him. Go start heckling him, peoples.
This is the cover of my new sketchbook. It was very ugly so I had to paint it and paste paste a picture and lace to make it pretty. Now it is pretty and I'm happy. The picture is Samantha Morton (the love of my life) in the awesome movie Morvern Callar.
These are some sketches of late. I'm still not headoverheels back into drawing (since my last breakup with the artform a few weeks ago) but I've been dabbling again.

I still havn't gotten the internet hooked up in my room, so the terrible inconvenience of borrowing Mitch's laptop to go online is my super impressive excuse for the still infrequent updates. For shame. But soon, we will buy a router, and all will be well again.
This is the cover of my new sketchbook. It was very ugly so I had to paint it and paste paste a picture and lace to make it pretty. Now it is pretty and I'm happy. The picture is Samantha Morton (the love of my life) in the awesome movie Morvern Callar.